Ensuring a fair and just Treaty process for all Victorians
The Treaty Authority oversees Treaty-making in Victoria
The Treaty Authority is the independent body that oversees Treaty-making in Victoria.
The Treaty Authority will support parties to find common ground in a safe, inclusive and flexible way, which aims to maintain ongoing and respectful relationships and promote healing.
Statewide Treaty
Statewide Treaty will be negotiated with the State of Victoria over all Country that is currently known as Victoria. The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria has been entered onto the Negotiations Database as the First Peoples’ Representative Body for the purposes of Statewide Treaty negotiations.
Statewide Treaty will benefit all Victorian First Peoples, including Victorian Traditional Owners and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living in Victoria. In the spirit of reconciliation, Statewide Treaty will also benefit all Victorians.
Public Notifications
Entry Of The First Peoples’ Assembly Of Victoria Onto The Negotiations Database As The First Peoples’ Representative Body For Statewide Treaty
By this notice, the Treaty Authority provides public notice that the Treaty Authority entered the Assembly onto the Negotiations Database as the Body on 17 July 2024.
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Declaration and public notice of the Treaty Authority
The Treaty Authority declares, under clause 4.5(c) of the Treaty Negotiation Framework, that the Negotiations Database is established.
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Public Notifications
Latest news
Treaty Authority invites the State of Victoria to commence Statewide Treaty negotiations
The Treaty Authority today wrote to Natalie Hutchins MP, Minister for Treaty and First Peoples, to invite the State of Victoria to commence negotiations for Statewide Treaty with the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria.