
The Treaty Authority Copyright Statement 

Effective date: 27 June 2024

This Copyright Statement applies to the website ( owned and operated by the Treaty Authority (ABN 25 193 474 723). 

All content on this website (including but not limited to all design, images, audio and video files, coding and text) is owned by, or licensed to, the Treaty Authority.  

The Treaty Authority encourages the dissemination of material (including any information) provided on this website, and permits such material to be re-used or reproduced non-commercial, personal or educational purposes free of charge, provided that:

  • permission is sought prior to any use of particular visual assets such as the Treaty Authority logo; 
  • any material obtained from this website must contain a prominent acknowledgement to the Treaty Authority; and
  • the reproduced content must include a link to and a citation stating (or similar): ‘Reprinted from the Treaty Authority‘.

Furthermore, any reproduced content must not be:

  • published in a manner which damages or dilutes the reputation of the Treaty Authority, or which creates a misleading impression that the Treaty Authority is associated with, or a sponsor of, the person reproducing the content; or 
  • altered or reproduced in a misleading context. 

Aside from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or under this Copyright Statement, all other rights are reserved.

Third party copyright

In some cases, a third party may hold copyright in material presented on this website. Their permission may be required to use the material. We try to include relevant photo credits on posts containing photos by third parties, but some banner images may not include credits. 

Contact us

If you have general questions regarding this Copyright Statement or use of content, please contact the Treaty Authority by email here [email protected].

The Treaty Authority acknowledges First Peoples as sovereign peoples throughout the lands and waters now known as Victoria and across Australia. We pay deep respect to all Traditional Owners, their lands, waters and skies, their Elders and ancestors, languages, family and clan groups, and their Lore, Law, customs, traditions and spiritual connections.
